Photoresist Manufacturers Skip to main content

Photoresist Manufacturers

Below is a list of photoresist manufacturers and a table of photoresists. We do not claim that either of these is comprehensive. There are other manufacturers and photoresists, but these are some of the more common ones. Some of the names given in the photoresist table are the names of series and not individual resists. A series may include many individual photoresists. Some photoresists have more information than others. We only included information that was easily and quickly obtainable from the manufacturers' websites. Many of them may have more uses or applications than noted here. Some manufacturers provide datasheets or product guides and the links for those have been included in the table. If you desire more information about a specific photoresist please check the manufacturer's website or contact the manufacturer.

AZ Electronic Material (Merck KGaA)DowDuPont
DJ MicroLaminatesElectra Polymers Ltd.Eternal Chemical
Fujifilm Electronic MaterialsHitachi ChemicalHiTech Photopolymere AG
JSR MicroKolon IndustriesMacDermid
Kayaku Advanced MaterialsSumitomo ChemicalTokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., Ltd.

ManufacturerPhotoresistToneThickness (in µm)Exposure Wavelengths (in nm)Aspect Ratio/ResolutionPrimary Uses/Application
AZAX series193contact holes, line/space
AZDX and EXP series248multi-purpose, back end
AZHiR 1075Positive0.6-1.2iUltra highline/space, contact holes
AZMiR 701Positive0.6-3.0iHighline/space, contact holes
AZMiR 703Positive0.8-1.4iMid-rangeline/space, contact holes
AZMiR 900Positive2-4.5iHigh aspect ratioline/space
AZN6000Negative0.6-10iion implant, high speed
AZnLOF 2000Negative1.8-10ilift off
AZnLOF 5000Negative0.75-1.5iHighlift off
AZ3300Positive1-2.5ghigeneral purpose
AZ3300-FPositive0.8-5ghigeneral purpose, high speed
AZ1500Positive0.4-4ghigeneral purpose, wet etch
AZP4000 seriesPositiveFeb-55gh2:01
AZ4500 seriesPositiveFeb-55gh2:01
AZ9200 seriesPositiveMar-50ghi3:01
AZ10XTPositiveApr-50ghi3:01plating and etch applications
AZ50XTPositive15-65gh3:01plating and etch applications
AZ5XT seriesPositive5-Marghi2:01
AZ12XT seriesPositive20-Mayghi4:01Cu RDL and TSV applications
AZ40XT seriesPositive20-100ghi4:01etch and plating applications
AZ125nXT seriesNegative20-120ghi6:01
AZ5nXT/15nXTNegative20-Mayghi3:01Cu RDL and TSV plating/etch
AZTX 13115-MarDUV15:01
DJ MicroLaminatesSUEX seriesNegative100-500+UV - X-Ray20:01Dry Film resists for MEMS, plating, microfluidics, WLP and more
DJ MicroLaminatesADEX seriesNegativeMay-75UV - X-Ray4:01Dry Film resists for MEMS, plating, microfluidics, WLP and more
DOWLaminar seriesdry film photoresists for alkaline and acid etch and pattern plating
DOWEagle 2100 EDNegativeprinted circuit board manufacturing
DOWPhotoposit seriesroller coated photoresists for printed circuit boards
DOWEpic 213519365 nm and 90 nm node processes
DOWUVN 2300NegativeDUVimplant and cell open applications
DOWUV seriesPositive0.5-3248
DOWMCPR i7010NPositive>0.35igeneral purpose
DOWMegaposit SPR 955-CMPositive>0.35igeneral purpose
DuPontRiston Etchmaster 213/830Negative30350-380dry film resist, acid etch, chemical milling
DuPontRiston Goldmaster GM10050/75/100350-380dry film resist, gold plating, adhesion to various metals
DuPontRiston MultiMaster MM100i/MM50030/40/50/65/75350-380dry film resist, general purpose, alkaline etch, gold plating
DuPontRiston PlateMaster PM200/PM300Negative38/40/50/75/100350-380dry film resist for copper, tin, tin/lead plating
DuPontRiston TentMaster TM200iNegative30/38350-380dry film resist, tent and etch processes, acid etch
DuPontRiston Laser LDI 300/500/7000/7200/8000Negative30/38/40/50/62/75355/405dry film resist, laser direct imaging
DuPontRiston FX 250/500/900Negative15,30,40,50,62350-380dry film resist, Ni/Au plating, fine lines, chemical milling, acid etch
EternalEtertec SeriesDec-50dry film resists, plating, print-and-etch, tent-and-etch, chemical milling, PKG
EternalLaminar Series24-101dry film resists, plating, print-and-etch, tent-and-etch, LDI for some
FujifilmFEP-100Positivee-beame-beam direct write
FujifilmFEN-100Negativee-beame-beam direct write
FujifilmGAR series193various
FujifilmGKR series248various
FujifilmSC seriesNegative>1ggeneral purpose, resistant to common silicon etchants
FujifilmHNR seriesNegative>1g
FujifilmHR seriesNegative>1g
FujifilmIC seriesNegative>1g
FujifilmHPR 500 seriesPositive>0.75gion implant, wet and dry etching
FujifilmOCG 825>0.75g
FujifilmHiPR 6500 series>0.75gi
FujifilmOiR seriesPositive>0.25givarious
FujifilmFHi series>0.25gi
FujifilmGiR 11020.25-0.4i
HitachiRD series15/25355-405Highdry film, DLP and UV-LDI systems
HitachiDL series20/25Highdry film, DLP systems
HitachiSL series20/25/29/38Highdry film, UV-LDI systems
HitachiRY series19/25Highdry film, PKG
HitachiH series25/30/34/38/45Highdry film, PCB production, tenting
HitachiHM series56/75/112Highdry film, electro-forming
HitachiFR series25/38/50dry film, FPC production
HitachiFZ series20/25/30/35dry film, solder resist, PKG
HiTechDiaEtch 101Negative300-350Dip-coating application for various metallic substrates
HiTechDiaEtch 102Negative>25300-450Dip-coating application for printed circuit boards
HiTechDiaEtch 120Negative>25300-450Roller-coating application for printed circuit boards
HiTechDiaEtch 122Negative>25300-450Roller-coating application for various metallic substrates
HiTechDiaPlate5-500Electroforming process, adhesion to various substrates
JSR MicroARX seriesPositiveArF(193)line/space, contact hole, implant
JSR MicroM seriesPositiveKrF(248)line/space, contact hole, implant
JSR MicroV seriesPositiveKrF(248)implant
JSR MicroNDS seriesNegativeKrF(248)implant
KolonTrumaskNegativeinner layer, lead frames, BGA, roller or dip-coated
MacDermidPMGI and LORPositive<0.05 - >8DUV/240-290Sacrificial Layer, Bi-layer Lift-off
Kayaku Advanced MaterialsSU-8 seriesNegative<1 - >300Near UV/350-40010:01Permanent applications
Kayaku Advanced MaterialsKMPR 1000Negative<4 - >120iHighMEMS, electrolytic plating, DRIE applications
Kayaku Advanced MaterialsPMMAPositive<0.1 - >5DUV/e-beam/x-rayHighT-gates, e-beam and x-ray processes, protective coatings, sacrificial layer