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Fire Safety

Fire is a serious risk anywhere both solvents and electrical equipment are used. If a fire is started, even if it is small, first ensure that there is an escape route. If you try to put out the fire, make sure you can access the escape route at all times. Be aware of any chemicals that may contribute to the fire or explode. If you are unsure whether attempting to put out the fire would be safe, just get out.

Fire Extinguishers

When using fire extinguishers, it is important to know the type of fire that is burning and the type of fire extinguisher appropriate for the fire.

Class A - Normal combustibles such as paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, cotton, etc.
Class B - Flammable liquids such as solvents, gasoline, oils, grease, etc.
Class C - Electrical fires
Class D - Combustible metals
Class K - Kitchen fires

The fire extinguishers near the cleanroom should be BC extinguishers and are adequate for most fires that might occur, but be aware since using an unfit extinguisher could make the problem worse.

​Fire Extinguisher Location Map