The NFPA Diamond Skip to main content

The NFPA Diamond

The NFPA Diamond

The NFPA diamond is designed to give general hazard information for chemicals. Click on the hazards/colors for the specific hazards represented by the numbers.

Red: Fire Hazard

0 - Will not burn
1 - Must be preheated for ignition; flashpoint above 200°F (93°C)
2 - Must be moderately heated for ignition, flashpoint above 100°F (38°C)
3 - Ignition may occur under most ambient conditions, flashpoint below 100°F (38°C)
4 - Extremely flammable and will readily disperse through air under standard conditions, flashpoint below 73°F (23°C)

Blue: Health Hazard

0 - Hazard no greater than ordinary material
1 - May cause irritation; minimal residual injury
2 - Intense or prolonged exposure may cause incapacitation; residual injury may occur if not treated
3 - Exposure could cause serious injury even if treated
4 - Exposure may cause death

Yellow: Reactivity Hazard

0 - Stable
1 - May become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures, may be mildly water reactive
2 - Unstable; may undergo violent decomposition, but will not detonate. May form explosive mixtures with water
3 - Detonates with strong ignition source
4 - Readily detonates

White: Special Hazard

OX - Strong Oxidizer
W - Water Reactive
SA - Simple asphyxiant gas

Other Symbols Commonly Seen (these are not official NFPA symbols)

ACID - Indicates an acid
ALK - Indicates an alkali or base
COR - Indicates the chemical is corrosive







Flammable solid

Flammable solid







Flammable gas or liquid

Flammable gas or liquid

Dangerous when wet

Dangerous when wet